taskade app
taskade app

Taskadeistheultimatestructuredtasklistandnote-takingappforkeepingtrackofyourtasks,jottingdownnotes,andworkingwithyourteam.Nomoremissed ...,你知道一個人每天會在腦海裡冒出七萬個想法嗎?用Taskade把它們組織起來,列出任務清單、記錄想法、共同協作,一起...

Taskade: AI


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Download Taskade for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and ...

Taskade is the ultimate structured task list and note-taking app for keeping track of your tasks, jotting down notes, and working with your team. No more missed ...

Taskade - AI Agents, Chat Bots

你知道一個人每天會在腦海裡冒出七萬個想法嗎?用Taskade 把它們組織起來,列出任務清單、記錄想法、共同協作,一起提高團隊的工作效率。方式。無論你是用來關注日常的 ...

Taskade - AI Productivity on the App Store

4 天前 — Supercharge your productivity! Build, train, and deploy AI teams to automate tasks, research, and collaborate in one unified workspace.


2020年3月25日 — Gain instant access to AI-powered chat, workflow generators, and intelligent task lists, mind maps, and more. Collaborate in real-time, all for ...

Taskade AI

Taskade AI is a powerful AI productivity tool that will help you efficiently manage tasks and projects. Generate task lists, mind maps, and structured ...

Taskade 一個專案可切換筆記、看板、表格、心智圖管理模式

2019年8月13日 — Taskade 一個專案可切換筆記、看板、表格、心智圖管理模式 · 筆記適合思考、看板方便排程、表格容易做設定, · 預設的專案拆解畫面是[ List ] · 除了List ...

Taskade: AI

Taskade supercharges your productivity with AI! Build an AI Agent Workforce that writes, researches, and manages tasks, turning insights into action.

在App Store 上的「Taskade

Introducing Taskade AI - your all-in-one AI chat and workflow assistant that supercharges your productivity! With just a few taps, get instant answers to ...

如何用Taskade 規劃一切時程

2021年3月26日 — 如何用Taskade 規劃一切時程|Taskade 教學 · 地表最強To-do List App · Taskade 亮點介紹 · 便捷&直覺的功能 · 我的Taskade 應用場景 · Chrome 插件 · 使用 ...


Taskadeistheultimatestructuredtasklistandnote-takingappforkeepingtrackofyourtasks,jottingdownnotes,andworkingwithyourteam.Nomoremissed ...,你知道一個人每天會在腦海裡冒出七萬個想法嗎?用Taskade把它們組織起來,列出任務清單、記錄想法、共同協作,一起提高團隊的工作效率。方式。無論你是用來關注日常的 ...,4天前—Superchargeyourproductivity!Build,train,anddeployAIteamstoautomatetasks,research,andcollabo...